Friday, February 12, 2010

Colorful Tabs Quick-Start Guide

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What's new?

ColorfulTabs now works with SeaMonkey 2.0, Firefox 3.6 and Flock too. See complete colorfultabs changelog.

Why was ColorfulTabs created?

Tabs are the primary power of Mozillian browsers. A single user session consists of tens of tabs. What if each tab could be colored to add a unique identification? That would differentiate them from each other. It may even indicate which site a particular tab has open. This small idea evolved into ColorfulTabs. It is now everyone's favourite and an essention requirement. We spend a lot of time and effort developing this addon, keeping it updated, adding features, providing free technical support, running a forum and a website and doing everyday things that can't be mentioned. I love doing this and feel satisfaction in the fact that something created by us is so much appreciated.

What's next for ColorfulTabs

IE8 style tab grouping.

Features and Options

  • Beautiful colours — We promise you'll fall in love with these colors.
  • Unique Hues — Unique hues help you easily differentiate between various tabs and intuitively remember each tab. It's surprising to realize how it just works.
  • Colouring by site domain — Colour each tab depending on its server/domain for identifying the website. You can tell which site is in which tab by just looking at the colors.
  • Custom tab colour — And just incase you prefer to tag the tabs with a custom color feel free to give your tabs a colour of your choice right from the context menu of the tab.
  • Generate colors on demand — This mode allows you to color only the tabs you want colored. The rest start the default shade.
  • Enhanced tab highlighting — While we are theming the tabs how about some transparency effects? Fade the background tabs to as much as you want to highlight the currently selected tab. Let's go a step further — place a beautiful background-pattern on the tab-strip for an enhanced effect.
  • Easy Options — Quickly reach the ColorfulTab-preferences from the tab-context-menu. Additionally you can chose to remove the option from the tabs' context menu.
  • Scheme 1 — Colors each tab using pre-selected colors in a definite order starting from the left.
  • Scheme 2 — Colors each tab using a unique and randomly generated color.
  • Scheme 3 — Colors each tab using a unique color depending on the site domain using a formula.
  • Scheme 4 — Tabs have the default style and you can color them on-demand.
  • Custom Shades — Allows user to choose colors.
  • Custom Domain settings — Color your favourite site with your favourite color. Allows user to choose colors for unlimited domains.
  • Advanced Options — The tech-savvy kinds can play around with luminance and saturation too.
  • For the specially abled — Increases usability and visibility for people with visual challenges.
  • Technical Support — Don't forget - we are always around just in case you need any assistance let it be ColorfulTabs, Firefox or anything else. Head on to the Binary Turf Forums for support issues.
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