Monday, January 11, 2010

Thinking Man Software - Dimension 4 v5.0

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Why should I care?

How many clocks do you have in your home or office? 5? 10? 15? 20? Undoubtedly, if you're like most people, you have a bunch. But, the real question is ... How accurate are they?

Everyone should have at least one clock that they can rely on. Why not have that clock be the clock on the PC you're using right now? If you have 5 minutes to spare, download Dimension 4 (right now) and make your PC's clock the most accurate clock in your possession.

Why Dimension 4?

Simply put, Dimension 4 v5.0 is the fastest and easiest way to synchronize your PC's clock for Windows-based operating systems. Once Dimension 4 is installed, you'll most likely forget that it's even running. It's that automatic.

Dimension 4 will monitor your Internet connection and automatically adjust your PC's clock when you're online at an interval you specify.

How's Dimension 4 work?

Dimension 4 uses one of a few well known and broadly implemented internet protocols to connect with publicly available time servers that have been operating on the Internet for over 15 years. These time servers typically have their very own atomic clocks, or are directly connected to other machines that do.

At an interval you specify, Dimension 4 connects to a time server that you choose from an exhaustive list of time servers. The time server then sends the correct time back to your computer, where Dimension 4 uses sophisticated algorithms to correctly adjust your PC's clock to with-in a few milliseconds of the real time.

You still need some more convincing?

D4 has been downloaded over 3 million times from various sites across the Internet by users just like you that wanted a more accurate PC clock.

D4 has been reviewed in many major publications, around the world.

Leo Laporte from TechTV's The Screen Savers has been recommending Dimension 4 for years!

And best of all, it's just been re-released for it's 8 year anniversary with all new features, including Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 support.

What are you waiting for? Download it now!